The World’s Ugliest Dog annual contest may not render the most flattering title to its victor, but don’t tell that to Wild Thang. This eight-year-old Pekingese won this year’s competition on Friday, bringing joy to his owner and fans alike. Let’s dive into the details of the 2024 contest, meet the new champion, and explore the impact of this delightful event.

A Brief History of the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest


The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest began back in the 1970s as a small local event at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California. Initially, it was a fun way for dog owners to show off their pets’ unique appearances, but it quickly gained popularity and became a beloved annual tradition. Over the years, the contest has evolved, attracting participants from all over the country and even internationally. It’s grown into a major event, drawing significant media attention and a large, enthusiastic audience.

Notable Past Winners

Some past winners have become quite famous, like Yoda, a Chinese Crested-Chihuahua mix who won in 2011, and Zsa Zsa, an English Bulldog who took the crown in 2018. Each winner has their own special story, highlighting the incredible diversity and resilience of these dogs.

world's ugliest dog

The 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog Contest

Event Details

This year’s world’s ugliest dog contest took place on June 21st at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds. The atmosphere was electric, with dogs of all shapes and sizes strutting their stuff on stage. Eight dogs vied for the title this year, most of which came from dog shelters before being adopted. The judges had the tough job of choosing the ugliest dog from a field of impressive contenders.

Judging Criteria

Dogs are judged on a variety of factors, including their unusual attributes, personality, and overall impression. It’s not just about looks; the judges also consider the dogs’ stories and the bond they share with their owners.

Key Participants

This year saw a diverse group of participants, from hairless breeds to dogs with quirky features like lolling tongues and mismatched eyes. Each dog brought their own special charm to the stage, making the competition fierce and fun. Notable participants included a 14-year-old pug named Rome, who came in second place, and a mixed-breed dog named Daisy Mae, who took third place.

Meet the 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog Winner

Winner Announcement

The 2024 title of World’s Ugliest Dog goes to Wild Thang, a super fluffy eight-year-old Pekingese from Coos Bay, Oregon. Wild Thang has competed in five editions of the contest, and this year marked his first victory.

World's ugliest dog

Background of the Winner

Wild Thang’s journey to the world’s ugliest dog contest is a heartwarming one. He was diagnosed with canine distemper as a 10-week-old puppy, preventing the growth of his teeth and causing a muscular disorder in one of his legs. Despite these challenges, Wild Thang’s resilience and charm won over the judges.

Owner’s Perspective

Wild Thang’s owner, Ann Lewis, was thrilled with the win. “Winning this contest means the world to us. It’s not about the title; it’s about showing that every dog deserves a chance, no matter how they look,” she said. Ann hopes Wild Thang’s story will inspire more people to adopt rescue dogs, especially those with unique appearances. Along with the title, Ann can expect to receive $5,000 for the win and an appearance on NBC’s Today show.

Public Reaction

Social Media Buzz

Social media lit up with reactions to Wild Thang’s win. Fans from all over the world congratulated him, sharing their own stories of adopting unconventional pets. The hashtag #UglyDogContest2024 trended for hours, filled with heartwarming photos and messages of support.

Media Coverage

Major news outlets covered the event, highlighting not just Wild Thang’s victory but also the contest’s larger message of love and acceptance. The media attention helps spread awareness about the importance of adopting pets from shelters.

Public Opinion

Public reaction was overwhelmingly positive. Many people appreciated the contest’s celebration of imperfections and the spotlight it shines on rescue dogs. Of course, there were a few dissenting voices, but the overall sentiment was one of joy and support for Wild Thang and his fellow contestants.

The Significance of the Contest

Awareness and Advocacy

The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest plays a crucial role in raising awareness about rescue dogs and encouraging adoption. Many of the contestants, including Wild Thang, come from shelters or rescue situations. Their stories highlight the need for loving homes for all dogs, regardless of their looks. In a world that often values perfection, this contest is a refreshing reminder that beauty comes in all forms. It celebrates the uniqueness of each dog and promotes a message of acceptance and love.

Impact on Participants

For the dogs and their owners, participating in the contest can be life-changing. Winning or even just being part of the event brings attention to the dogs’ stories and can help change perceptions about what makes a dog beautiful.


The 2024 World’s Ugliest Dog Contest was a heartwarming and joyous event, celebrating the unique beauty of dogs like Wild Thang. It’s a reminder that every dog deserves love, no matter their appearance. As we look forward to future contests, let’s remember the important message behind this event: embracing imperfections and giving every dog a chance at a happy, loving home.

Whether you’re a dog owner, a dog lover, or simply someone who enjoys heartwarming stories, the world’s ugliest dog contest has something for everyone. So, mark your calendars for next year’s event, and who knows? Maybe your furry friend could be the next champion!


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