Like us even dog skin can change according to the weather. Most dog visits to the vet are due to their skin condition. Since the skin protects your dog in many ways it is also the most susceptible to a wide range of problems, wounds, and itches.

Reasons for skin problems in dogs:

Allergies: Your dog may be allergic to something in their food, shampoo or something else in their environment.

Infections: Skin infections like seborrhea are caused by bacteria or fungus and they frequently result from a hidden food allergy.

Parasites: Parasites like fleas can cling to your pet causing their skin to be itchy.

Dry Skin: Your pet can develop dry skin due to the weather, dehydration, or even missing nutrients.

Skin problems and products that can help:

Hot spots

A hot spot is an area in your dog’s skin where it may be infected. They usually have a scab on top, are sore, stinky, moist, and red. Dogs often lick or chew their hot spots which may cause it to have more serious problems. A spray or ointment may soothe that area which will stop your dog from biting and licking.


Your dog can have allergic reactions due to several reasons. If you are not sure about why it is, you should consult a vet. However, seasonal allergies can be treated at home by skin care products. Antimicrobial products can protect your dog from skin infections by bacteria and fungus.


Most dogs love to run and play. While playing it is very likely for your dog to get a scrape or cut. While it may not be much it could get infected without treatment. For a bigger wound you should take your dog to the vet. Small cuts can be treated by antimicrobial and antiseptic wound care ointments and sprays for dogs.

To make sure your dog skin doesn’t get infections of parasites they should be bathed between every 4 weeks to 12 weeks depending on how clean and healthy your dog is.

Categories: Dog Care

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