Dogs love play and get dirty in the mud. While they don’t require to bath regularly it is a good idea to bath your dog once a while. A dog with a single coat like a Dalmatian or Boxer may not need to take bath as often as a dog with a thick coat like a Golden Retriever or German Shepherd. While bathing your dog you should be very careful about which product you are using. However, with so many dog grooming products out there it can be hard to choose the right shampoo for your dog.
Factors for choosing the right shampoo:

Your Dog’s Coat: It is important to consider your dog’s coat before choosing your shampoo. Coats differ between different breeds of dogs. Some dogs may long smooth coats while other may have curly hair.
Allergies or Skin Problems: If your dog is allergic to some products or has a skin problem like dry skin, a normal shampoo will not work. Special conditions like ticks or fleas will need specially made shampoos.
Ingredients: Make sure your dog’s shampoo doesn’t have too many chemicals as it causes irritation to your dog’s skin. A strong fragrance can also trouble your dog’s nose. It will be best to invest in an organic shampoo.
Ingredients in the shampoo:
Essential Oils: Some essential oils can help calm and nourish your dog’s skin and have natural antibacterial characteristics. For instance, tea tree oil can help treat bacterial and fungal skin diseases, while lavender oil can help soothe itching and encourage relaxation.
Organic Ingredients: Ingredients like oatmeal, aloe vera, and coconut oil in dog shampoo can help calm and moisturise your dog’s skin, reducing its susceptibility to irritation and inflammation.
Choosing the right shampoo:
General: It will be easiest to choose a shampoo for a dog which has normal skin and hair. It shampoo will not be too expensive or hard to find.
Medicated: For dogs with special skin conditions like dry or itchy skin a medicated shampoo may be required. For dogs suffering from fleas and ticks a specific shampoo for fleas will be required. Before purchasing a medicated shampoo, it is best to consult your vet since the wrong shampoo can aggravate the problem.
Allergies: You may have to check for allergies before purchasing a shampoo. For example, if your dog is allergic to a product that helps in itchy skin, you could instead buy an oatmeal shampoo.
Coat type: Dogs with thick smooth coats like huskies will brightening shampoo that makes their coat shine. Those with curly coats will need curly coat specific shampoos. Check out the 10 dog care accessories every dog owner should know.