It is the season of shedding hair. It is not difficult to imagine that the hair of the fur children must attack you during this time! Sometimes I help them brush their hair, but they are often frightened by the large amount of hair loss. Is it normal to be afraid of such a large amount of hair loss?

In fact, a large amount of hair loss during the shedding season is within the normal range of hair loss, but in addition, what conditions can cause abnormal hair loss and hair loss in dogs?

Physiological shedding

These are usually normal.

●After production

After giving birth, the female dog will experience a lot of hair loss, which will also be accompanied by weight loss and weight loss.

●Elderly estrus

Dogs in heat may also shed hair due to hormone changes in their bodies. Older dogs may also experience hair loss due to their slow metabolism.

●Season change

When the temperature rises or falls, the dog undergoes normal moulting to adjust to the temperature. Therefore, it is normal for dogs to shed much hair when the seasons change, especially when the seasons change between spring and autumn.

Pathological hair loss: need to pay attention to the inspection

  • Infectious Diseases

When furry children are infected with parasites, bacteria, moulds, or come across fleas and lice, they will be tempted to scratch and relieve itching, which will not only cause a lot of hair loss but also damage the skin. Viruses will cause more severe complications! So once you find that the dogs are itching abnormally, you must immediately take them to the doctor.

  • Psychological factors

If the dog doesn’t say anything, it doesn’t mean the dog is fine! Dogs who are good at patience often make themselves suffer because of this. The most common example is the addition of new members to the family and a new environment, which will make the furry kids feel tense and pressured. When psychological pressure affects physiology, hair is likely to fall out.

  • Allergy

Skin problems caused by allergies often occur. However, many factors cause allergies, including food, drugs, the environment, etc.

Once triggered, various allergic reactions will occur. Among them, hair loss is also a common allergic reaction.

When you have symptoms after being triggered, in addition to going to the doctor immediately, you should also try to find out the cause of the allergy as much as possible to avoid being triggered again.

  • Nutritional imbalance

Half of their health is related to the food they eat, so once dogs overeat flavour, are too oily, too salty, or even lack certain nutrients, they may lose their hair. It is recommended to supplement dogs with naturally weak fur with some skin care products.

Prevent Shedding

Some more severe causes of hair loss, such as Cushing’s illness, require veterinary treatment and regular monitoring. You can, however, help your dog avoid shedding at home.

Follow the specified guidelines and get regular and effective flea and egg treatment.

Bathe your dog in a dermatologist-approved shampoo to relieve itching and minimise scratching.

Prepare nutrient-rich diets for your dog containing biotin and high-quality, easily digestible protein to encourage healthy skin and coat development.

If you see signs of hair loss in your dog, take them to a veterinarian for a complete evaluation and effective treatment. You can also seek guidance from your veterinarian on how to care for your dog’s skin and fur.

Pooch & Mutt Bionic Biotic

Pooch & Mutt Bionic Biotic, Supplement helps reduce itching and scratching, and provides nourishment for fur growth and healthy skin.

It is made with natural ingredients. You don’t need to worry about it may hurt your furry kids.

Animigo Allergy Aid

Animigo Dog Allergy Aid provide quick itching relief for allergic dogs. Rich in B vitamins and antioxidants, ingredients like brewer’s yeast help our dog itch pills strengthen your dog’s natural allergy defences and improve skin and coat quality.

Help strengthen your dog’s immune system. Their Itchy Skin Relief for Dogs doesn’t just provide your dog with temporary comfort while helping build a healthy immune system.

MediPaws® Dog Supplement

100% Natural Dog Skin & Coat Support

Suitable For All Dogs & Pets, Perfect For Dog Coat & Dry, Itchy Skin, Supple Joints

Salmon oil benefits also include:

  • Increased appetite.
  • A balanced diet.
  • Heart health.
  • Providing a silky coat.
  • Targeting itchy and dry skin.
  • Aiding with joint suppleness.

It may even help their immune system. Fish oil is a terrific source of dog vitamins for maintaining healthy joints in active and older dogs, making it one of the best supplements to add to your dog’s diet. Salmon oil for pets is the finest approach to give your dog a fresh coat, moisturise skin, and relieve itchy ears and paws.

You can also read the following articles to learn about dog shampoo:

How to choose the best shampoo for your dog?

Categories: Dog Care

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