Humans love crosswords, puzzles and problem solving but did you know that so does your dog! It is just as important to provide mental stimulation as it is to provide dogs with physical exercise. The easiest way to provide your dog with the mental stimulation is through interactive dog toys. Is your dog always full of energy? Is your dog feeling frustrated? Is your dog still chewing furniture even though they are not a puppy anymore? If you answered yes to any of the three questions above, then this is most likely due to the lack of interaction from your dog’s existing toys.
If you’re still unsure about dog toys for mental stimulation, below are five benefits that you may not have known!
1. Interactive dog toys help to reduce boredom!
Yes, your dog can get bored! In fact, dogs can get bored very easily, especially when left alone in the house. Signs that your dog is bored include chewing, digging, over excitement, pacing and excessive scratching. If you want to find out more ways to keep your dog entertained, check out our blog post – Top 10 tips for keeping your dog entertained indoors whilst you’re at work!
2. Interactive dog toys reduce anxiety
Dogs can get anxious when in a new environment or even when you leave them home alone to go to work. The best way to combat anxiety in dogs are stimulating toys to keep them entertained for hours. By having a distraction this relieves stress, boredom, and anxiety.
3. Interactive dog toys improve overall health of dogs
You walk your dog every day for physical health, but mental health is just as important. Did you know that stimulating dog toys tire your dog out just as much as taking them on a walk does! Walks shouldn’t be replaced with interactive dog toys; however, they should be added in as a priority to improve your dog’s overall health and wellbeing.
4. Interactive dog toys are educational for dogs
Stimulating dog toys are teaching your dog new skills but also reinforcing natural behaviours such as exploring, hunting, and playing. By giving them more interesting toys over a teddy bear or rope, you are forcing them to think. Often interactive dog toys include a treat, therefore the dog feels rewarded after solving the problem. These toys are designed to exercise your dog’s brain!
5. Enhancing your relationship with your dog
Buying toys for your dog shows them how much you love them! Additionally, interactive dog toys can be used when you’re spending time with your furry friend, which only builds and strengthens the relationship between the dog and their owner. It is important to supervise your dog when using these toys as they are not meant to be chewed!
Picking the right interactive dog toy for your furry friend!
It is important to understand that not every toy will be suitable for your dog. We have broken down the suggestions to large, medium, and small dog breeds to ensure you get the most suitable interactive toy for your dog! There are so many interactive dog toys on the market, and it can be overwhelming to pick the right toys for your dog. Below we have suggested some of the best stimulating dog toys.
Interactive dog toys for large dog breeds
PawsOnlyUK Dog Treat Dispenser
This treat dispenser in the shape of a ball is great for keeping dogs entertained for longer! The material is strong and durable and even comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back! This is recommended for large dog breeds.
TOTARK Dog Snuffle Toys
This dog puzzle toy shaped like an octopus an incorporates chewing, sniffing, and playing to stimulate your dog’s brain! You roll treats into the octopus’ ‘legs’ for them to find. The material is durable so is suitable for larger breeds and can even be used for tug of war!
LumoLeaf Slow Feeder Dog Bowl
This dog bowl is designed to make your dog work harder for their food but has additional health benefits. When dogs eat their food to fast it can cause sickness, bloating and is a choking hazard. The bowl is non-slip and has weight to it so it’s difficult for a dog to knock over, which is perfect for larger dog breeds.
Interactive dog toys for medium dog breeds
RUXAN Indestructible Dog Chew Toy
This puzzle toy is shaped like a dog bone but is made up of rotating compartments which slowly releases food/ treats as the dog continuous to play with the product. Additionally, this toy is great for the dental health of your dog, by cleaning plaque and freshening your dog’s breath. This toy is suitable for large, medium, and small dogs.
Interactive dog toys for small dog breeds
Dog Twister Interactive Treat Puzzle
This puzzle toy is designed to test your dog’s problem-solving skills. The aim is to move each compartment to release a treat! None of the parts are removable to limit choking hazards, however when using this toy, you should always monitor as accidents can happen.

Snuff Ball
For this interactive dog toy, you roll treats into the ball for your dog to find. The dog toy has 32 sections and encourages dogs to hunt for their food. This toy is suggested to give at least 30 minutes of playtime and the material is soft and safe for dogs, however, is not recommended for chewers! This is the perfect stimulating dog toy for small- medium sized dog breeds. Click here! to be taken to the product.
Interactive dog toys are so beneficial to a dog’s health, from reducing stress and anxiety to reinforcing natural behaviours. Please remember to supervise your dog during playtime with any of these toys! It may take some trial and error to find a toy your dog enjoys, but it is well worth the hassle.
Blog Posts
If you would like to find out more about dog care, check out our other blog posts!
For more information on interactive dog toys, I recommend reading Kong dog toys, everything you need to know before purchasing!