Choosing the right Veterinarian for your dog can be very challenging since there are so many Veterinary care practices available around. It is one of the most important decisions you will make for your dog. Your veterinarian will play a vital role in making sure that your dog lives a long and healthy life. Therefor its worth doing some research to make sure that both you and your dog are happy with the vet you chose. 

There are several key factors to focus on when deciding on which veterinary care practice to choose for your dog.

1. Recommendations from friends and family

Recommendations are a great way of finding a vet. Your friends and family members who already own a dog can be a great source of recommendations. They can share their views and experiences which will help you make a decision. Checking online reviews can also be helpful in selecting a clinic. 

2. Location of Specialist Veterinary Care

Since nobody likes travelling a long way, its convenient to choose a Veterinary practice that is near your home. In cases of emergency or if your dog gets really sick you can easily and quickly take your dog to the vet in no time. The location of the practice matters a lot as it should be in a place where there is access to public transport and public parking. Majority practices have larger clinics which offer more veterinary care options like 24/7 veterinary care, X-ray scans and ultra sounds etc, so its best to choose one that offers everything so that you don’t have to travel out of your way in cases of emergency. 

3. Price of Veterinary services £

The prices that veterinary practitioners charge depend on various factors like locations, different and advance treatment options they offer and other overheads etc. The staff available at the practise should be able to give you a price estimate for wellness check ups and routine treatments. All clinics accept pet insurance, so if you have pet insurance for your dog you don’t have to worry as the pet insurance covers all or most of the vet bill.

4. Timings of Veterinary clinics 

Choosing a Veterinary care practice that offer 24 hour service is extremely beneficial in times of  emergencies. Some clinics offer out of hour work by providing veterinarians on over night call in case your dog gets very sick in the middle of the night. Majority large veterinary practices offer their own emergency teams but sometimes they do partner up with other practices to provide day and night vet services. You should also check if the the practice opens on weekends and other public holidays and provide consultations. 

5. Registered Veterinary Care Practice 

Always choose a vet that is registered on RCVS website. RCVS stands for Royal College of veterinary Surgeons. To check if a vet is a registered you have to check their initials. All qualified vets from RCVS will have the initials MRCVS or FRCVS after their name. You can also check if a clinic has been accredited by RCVS according to the services and specialities they offer as RCVS offers accreditation to veterinary care clinics under its Voluntary Practice Standards Scheme (VPSS). They are rigorously inspected every four years and may also have surprise visits for checks in between. Generally the RCVS accredited practice logo is displayed at the Clinic but if not you can just head to the RCVS website to find a list of all the Accredited clinics near you. You can also use a feature on their website “Find a vet”, that will tell you whether that particular clinic is registered as UK- practicing and what their registration date was. 

6. Signs of Good dog friendly Veterinary Practice 

There are several signs to looks for when you are choosing a vet for your pet. Having a chat with the staff and see how they are handling your dog. You can check how well organised the clinic is, do they have a waiting area, do they have specific times for consultation, is the clinic clean and are the staff members well trained and experienced pet handlers. Do the doctors, surgeons and staff member deal with your dog in a professional and caring manner. Do they provide home service, out of hour service and medicine delivery. Does the Vet office call you to get an update on your dog. These are all signs of Good & Friendly Dog veterinary practice. 

7. Extra Services

Some Veterinary care practices offer additional services like socialisation classes for puppies and older dogs, weight clinics, informational and consultation talks like on site hydrotherapy unit or visiting a groomer. Some experienced vets may also have some extra qualifications like surgery, dermatology or reproductive medicine which might interest you if your dog has similar health issues or concerns. 

8. What the Veterinary expects from clients 

When you visit the vet with your dog, they expect you to clearly explain the symptoms or signs of disease. You should be totally honest and should never hide anything from your vet. You should be prepared to follow the vets advice and feed medicines to your dog according to the instructions given to you. Should be prepared and ready to return to the veterinary clinic for follow up appointments to check if the treatment has been successful. You can discuss anything you are worried or unhappy about. Having insurance is always helpful as it allows veterinary bills to be paid swiftly. 

These are some of the Key factors that you should look for when choosing a veterinary care practice for your dog.

Categories: Dog Care

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