Dog hair is one of the most common problems pet owners face, especially when dogs change seasons or shed, their hair will be more frequently scattered throughout the home.

Allergic reactions: Allergies to dog hair are quite common. Proteins and other substances in dog hair can trigger allergic reactions in humans, with symptoms such as difficulty breathing, itchy skin and a runny nose. People who are allergic to dog hair should try to avoid contact with them or take steps to reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Asthma exacerbations: People who are allergic to dog hair may experience asthma exacerbations. Inhaling dog hair and dander can cause respiratory spasms and worsen asthma symptoms.

Decreased indoor air quality: The accumulation of indoor dog hair may lead to decreased indoor air quality. Dog hair is suspended in the air and can trigger allergy or asthma symptoms when inhaled, which can be a serious problem especially for people with a history of allergies.

Bacteria and parasite transmission: Dog hair can carry bacteria, fungi and parasites that can spread to humans and cause infection or disease. This risk is especially high if the dog’s coat is wet or stained with dirt.

Increased difficulty in cleaning the home: A large accumulation of dog hair in the home will increase the difficulty of cleaning. Dog hair can stick to furniture, floors, carpets and other surfaces and needs to be cleaned frequently to keep the room clean.

Social restrictions: For some people, an allergy to dog hair may limit their interactions with their pets or their participation in activities in pet-friendly venues.

Hairball disease: For dogs themselves, they can be caused by licking their hair or eating it. The disease can cause problems such as indigestion and vomiting and requires prompt treatment.

And how to clean it:

1. Use a lint roller

The wool roller is one of the easiest and most convenient tools for removing dog hair from clothing. Simply roll the roller over the surface of the garment and the hair will stick to it. This method does not require water or electricity, and is suitable for various clothing materials, which is very convenient.

2. Rubber gloves

Put on rubber gloves, then rub your hands back and forth on the surface of the garment. The static electricity will attach the hair to the glove and remove it easily. This method is environmentally friendly and economical, and there is no damage to the clothing.

3. Dryer dries the ball

When drying clothes, adding a few dryer balls can help remove dog hair from the clothes. The drying ball creates static electricity during the drying process, which helps the hair to separate from the clothing, making it easier to remove.

4. Wipe with a damp sponge

Using a slightly moist sponge or wet towel to wipe the surface of the clothing can effectively adhere hair to it. This method is suitable for all kinds of clothing and is especially suitable for removing hair from some hard-to-reach corners or details.

5. Laundry brush

A specially designed brush can easily remove dog hair from clothing. When using, brush along the surface of the clothing, you can brush off the hair. Choose a brush with soft bristles but a certain hardness for better results.

6. Duct tape

Glue the tape to the surface of the garment and then quickly peel it off to remove the hair. This method is simple and easy, and is especially suitable for removing hair in some small areas that are difficult to reach, such as the collar and cuffs of clothes.

7. Mix a spray with vinegar and water

Mixing white vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:1, spraying on the surface of clothing, and then wiping with a clean cloth can effectively remove hair. Vinegar helps neutralize static electricity and makes hair easier to remove.

How to prevent the accumulation of dog hair at home

In addition to timely removal of dog hair from clothing, there are a number of precautions that can help reduce the accumulation of dog hair in your home.

Groom your dog regularly

Regular grooming is one of the most effective ways to reduce your dog’s hair at home. By regular grooming, you can remove loose hair on your dog’s body and reduce hair loss.

Take regular showers

Regular bathing of your dog is also an important measure to control hair loss. Use gentle pet wash products to clean your dog’s skin and hair and reduce hair loss.

Keep your home clean

Regular vacuuming and cleaning of furniture can effectively control the spread of hair in the home. Choosing an efficient vacuum cleaner, especially one equipped with a pet hair removal attachment, can better clean hair from carpets and furniture.

Use an air purifier

Air purifiers can help reduce hair and other allergens in the air. Choose an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter to effectively filter out tiny hairs and dander and improve indoor air quality.

Train your dog to avoid furniture

Training your dog to avoid furniture can reduce the build-up of hair on it. Provide comfortable pet beds and toys to encourage the dog to move around in its own resting area and reduce time spent on furniture.

With these practical tips and prevention tips, you can easily deal with the problem of dog hair on your clothing and make your home a cleaner and more comfortable environment. Finally, the Dog Brush can help remove loose hair from your dog and prevent it from flying around your home.

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Categories: Dog Care

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