Calcium is a crucial nutrient for dogs, playing a vital role in their overall health and well-being. Ensuring your dog receives adequate calcium can promote strong bones, healthy teeth, and proper muscle function. In this blog post, we’ll explore the need for calcium in dogs, how it benefits their health, why it’s safe, and recommend the best calcium tablets and supplements for dogs. We’ll also touch on homemade calcium options. Let’s dive into the world of calcium for dogs.

The Need for Calcium in Dogs

Calcium is essential for dogs for several reasons. Its supports bone and teeth health, ensuring they grow strong and resilient. Calcium also plays a role in muscle function, aiding in muscle contraction and
preventing cramps. Additionally, it helps in nerve transmission, blood clotting, and enzyme function, making it a vital component of a dog’s diet.

Calcium for Dogs

How Calcium Helps Dogs

Bone Health– Calcium is like the building blocks for your dog’s bones. It helps them grow strong and sturdy. For puppies, getting enough calcium is crucial for their growth, while adult dogs need it to maintain their bone strength and prevent issues like osteoporosis.

Teeth Health– Just like with their bones, your dog’s teeth need calcium to stay healthy. Adequate calcium ensures that their teeth remain strong and can help prevent dental problems down the line.

Muscle Function– Calcium is essential for your dog’s muscles to work properly. It helps their muscles contract and relax, which is vital for movement and overall mobility. Without enough calcium, your dog might struggle with muscle function.

Nerve Function– Calcium plays a critical role in nerve function. It helps send signals through the nerves, ensuring smooth communication throughout the body. This is key for coordinating muscle movements and reflexes.

Blood Clotting– Calcium is also important for blood clotting. It helps prevent excessive bleeding if your dog gets injured. This makes it a vital part of your dog’s ability to heal and recover from wounds.

Why Calcium is Safe for Dogs

Calcium is safe for dogs when given in appropriate amounts. It is essential to follow veterinary guidelines and not exceed recommended doses, as too much calcium can lead to health issues like hypercalcemia. This condition can cause kidney stones, skeletal abnormalities, and other serious health problems. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing new supplements to your dog’s diet to ensure safety and proper dosage.

Recommended Calcium Tablets and Supplements for Dogs

PetNC Natural Care Hip and Joint Soft Chews: These chews provide a balanced amount of calcium, supporting bone and joint health in dogs. They are easy to administer and well-loved by pets.

Nutri-Vet Calcium Chewable Tablets: These tablets are formulated with calcium and phosphorus, ensuring balanced nutrition for strong bones and teeth. They are a convenient daily supplement.

Calci-Care– This liquid calcium contains vitamin D & Magnesium which helps in maintaining good bone health and promotes growth in puppies and kittens.

Yu MoveUk’s number 1 supplement brand which contains Lipped Mussel (GLM) to provide a concentrated source of Omega-3 to help soothe stiff joints. These supplements help in developing joints and support mobility for an active lifestyle.

Homemade Calcium for Dogs

If you prefer a more natural approach, homemade calcium options can be a good alternative. Crushed eggshells are a popular choice, as they are rich in calcium. Simply wash and dry the eggshells, then grind them into a fine powder. Sprinkle a small amount over your dog’s food daily to boost their calcium intake. Always consult your vet before adding homemade calcium supplements to ensure you’re meeting your dog’s nutritional needs without overdoing it.


Calcium is a vital nutrient for dogs, supporting their bones, teeth, muscle, and overall health. Ensuring your dog gets enough calcium through their diet or supplements is crucial for their well-being. By understanding the benefits and ensuring safe supplementation, you can help your dog lead a healthy, active life. Whether you choose commercial calcium tablets or homemade options, always prioritize your dog’s health, and consult with your veterinarian to determine the best approach.

Have you tried any of these calcium supplements for your dog? Share your experiences in the comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more informative posts on pet health and nutrition.

Categories: Dog Food

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